AVMLA Members Resources: Welcome to the Member Resources page. If you have a question or require information not provided here, please contact AVMLA.​
Member Directory
AVMLA Member Benefits & Directory Resource
AVMLA Member Directory Advertising or Update Info form
Corporate Sponsors and Partners Information
Continuing Education Resources
AVMLA Webinars
Other Information
Organizational Resource Links
Legal Research
Use the following on-line resources to find free opinions, filings, statutes, regulations and other legal research.
Pacer: U.S. District Court opinions and filings (fee)
US Federal Courts: Sites
Oyez: U.S. Supreme Court oral arguments, briefs, opinions (includes audio for some arguments)
Justia Federal Court Filings: Federal Court filings and docket
Findlaw: Limited free caselaw
Free Case Law: Free version of FastCase
Librarians’ Society of Washington, D.C.: State legislature and regulatory websites; congressional activity, legislative history and research guides
American Law Sources On-line: (U.S., Canada and Mexico) State court decisions, legislation, regulations, court rules, rules of professional conduct, executive orders, local laws and more
AVMA Reference Materials: Assorted resources covering federal legislation, federal courts and federal agencies
Legislative Resources
State Legislatures Currently in Session
State Veterinary Practice Acts and Administrative Rules – Veterinarians
Carryover Dates for State Bills
Effective Dates for State Bills
Member List Use & Privacy Policy​
The AVMLA Member List (List) is copyright protected by the AVMLA and the AVMLA asserts full rights to the List. The List and its contents are proprietary products of AVMLA. The contents of the List may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced, copied, disseminated, entered into a computer database, used as part of or in connection with any mailing list, or otherwise utilized, in any form or manner or by any means, except for an AVMLA member’s individual, personal and confidential reference. The List is not intended for use as a marketing tool to solicit AVMLA members to participate in any ventures for or not for profit.
The AVMLA does not offer the List for sale or rent to outside parties. Should the occasion arise, the AVMLA may provide the List to a third party, with whom the AVMLA has entered into a contractual relationship, in order to carry out functions essential to the operation of AVMLA.
AVMLA members may decline to have their contact information published in the List by submitting such request in writing to the AVMLA Executive Director, or by indicating such on the annual membership renewal form.
The AVMLA member information contained in the List indicate only that such Members are in good standing with respect to their AVMLA membership. AVMLA does not endorse these members nor does it make representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the products or services provided by these members. AVMLA expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the products or services provided by AVMLA members.​​​